Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Varanasyam visalakshi Vimala Purushottame Rukmini dwaravatyam Ca Radha Vrindavana vane.”

“Durga rules over Varanasi and Vimala Devi presides over Jagannatha Puri. Rukmini Devi is the queen of Dwaraka and in the same way Radharani is the queen of Vrindavan forest.”

-The Matsya Purana.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sumbha Nisumbha

 O King! 

  1. You have taken by force the exquisitely beautiful Airâvata elephant of Indra, the Pârijâta Tree, the seven faced horse Uchchais’ravâ, and many other jewels. 
  2. You have acquired by your might the Prince of Jewels, the celestial car of the Creator Brahmâ, ensigned by the emblematic Swan. 
  3. You have dispossessed Kuvera of his treasure of the value of a Padma (one thousand billion) and Varuna, the God of oceans, of his white umbrella. 
O King! 

  1. When Varuna was defeated, your brother Nis’umbha took perforce his Pâs’a weapon. 
O King! 

  1. The Great Ocean gave you, out of terror, various jewels and honoured you by presenting a garland of lotuses which never fade away. 
  2. What more can be said than the fact that you have conquered the Death and took away His force and that you have easily conquered Yama, the God of Death and have taken from Him His horrible staff. 
O King! 

  1. You have brought that Heavenly cow which came out when the ocean was churned; that cow is still with you; 
  2. what more to say than that Menakâ and other Apsarâs are under your control. 
Thus you have got by your strength all the jewels.
