Monday, October 15, 2012

List of water deities

Story of Vastu Purusha in Matsya Purana / More

Once In Vedic Period There Lived A Demon Called Andhakasura, Who Killed Sages And Seers. Lord Shiva Had To Fight With Demon To Protect The World . 

While Fighting With The Demon, The Lord Shiva Was Very Much Tired And Began To Sweat Profusely.When The Sweat Fell Down On The Earth, A Child Was Born Of The Drops Of Shiva's Sweat.

The child looked very cruel and horrifying and consumed all the blood from the body of the demon Andhakasura. His hunger was still not satisfied and felt very hungry.

So he began to make penance to appease Lord Shiva and get a boon from Him.Shiva was pleased with his penance and appeared before him. The devotee prayed to Shiva, “Oh Lord! Please permit me to eat away all the three worlds.” Shiva said, “Let it be so.” The joy of that devotee knew no bounds. He got possession on all the three worlds and first he was ready to eat the terrestrial world. Then the celestial beings, Brahma, Shiva and the demons (Rakshasas) also were terrified and caught hold of the devotee encircling him. 

Forty-five celestial beings, out of whom 32 from without and 13 from within caught hold of the devotee. The Thirty-two celestial beings are- 

(1) Ish (2) Parojaya (3) Jayant (4) Indra (5) Surya (6) Sadya (7) Barisham (8) Akash (9) Agni (10) Pushna (11) Vitatha (12) Yama (13) Kritanta (14) Gandharva (15) Bringavaja (16) Mriga (17) Pitara (18) Darepale (19) Sugriva (20) Pushpadanta (21) Varuna (22) Daitya (23) Sesha (24) Yakshma (25) Roga (26) Naga (27) Mukhya (28) Bhallata (29) Soma (30) Sarpa (31) Aditi And Diti. 

All these 32 celestial beings are out of the limits of the devotee whereas the following 13 Beings are within his limits:- 

(1) Brahma (2) Rudra (3) Indrajaya (4) Apavatsa (5) Marichi (6) Savitri (7) Vivaswan (8) Vishnu (9) Mitra (10) Savita (11) Prithvidhara (12) Rudra And (13) Apa. 

These celestial Beings laid force on the different limbs of the devotee and sat on them as shown below: 

Ish (Agni) – Head; Apa – Face; Prithwi Dhara & Aryam – Chest; Avantsa – Heart; Diti & Indra – Shoulders; Surya & Soma – Hands; Rudra & Rajayakshma – Left Arm; Savitra & Savita – Right Arm; Vivaswan & Mitra – Stomach; Pusha & Aryama – Wrist; Asur & Sesha – Left Side; Vitatha & Grahakshat – Right Side; Yama & Varuna – Thighs; Gandharva & Puramadan – On The Knees; Sugriv & Bhrish – Shanks; Dwarika & Mriga – Ankles; Jaya & Shakra – On The Hairs Grown On The Feet; Brahma – On The Heart. 

He began to grow steadily, eating all that came near his mouth. He occupied almost all the surface of the earth, killing all the inhabitants and destroying the nature. All the Five Elements of the galaxy namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Sky suffered by the growth of this child and could not carry on their functions.

This terrified even the Gods in heaven. All of the Gods in heaven grouped together planned to Stop the child that was grown up so largely. They attacked it from all sides, laid it face down and they then sat on different parts of its body and pressed it inside the earth. Being bound like that, the child lay submerged (buried).

Vaastu Purusha, being arrested like this, said to the Gods, “Oh Celestial Beings! You have all caught hold of me and tied me on all the sides. How long shall I be like this, in this position hanging my head down like a prisoner? What shall I eat?” Listening to these words, the celestial Beings said,

1.      “Today is Bhadrapada Shukla Triteeya Saturday and `Visakha Star’; So, you lie down here on the ground changing your position once in three months, i.e. From `Bhadrapada’ to `Kartik’ you lie down putting your head in the Eastern direction and your feet towards the West.
2.      During the months of `Margashira’, `Pushyam’ and `Magha’, you lie down towards the South looking towards the West and put your feet towards the North.
3.      During the months of `Phalgun’, `Chaitra’ and `Vaisakh’, put your head towards the West and feet towards the East looking towards the North.
4.      In the months of `Jyeshtha’, `Ashadha’ and `Sravana’, put your head towards the North and the feet towards the South and look towards the East. Whatever side you may turn, you will have to lie down on the left side only.

In order to mollify the child the Gods bestowed the child with a boon that: 'hence forth you will be known as 'vastupurusha' or 'vasthudevta' - “the God of Vaastu ” surrounded by the celestial Beings.You will occupy any piece of earth with boundaries made on four sides.

You will tease the people who construct buildings and temples, dig wells and tanks on the side towards which you see and in the direction towards which you hold your feet, to your heart’s content. You may trouble and even devour those people who construct the aforesaid buildings and temples etc. In the direction where you lay your head and back and those who lay foundation stone without worshipping you or without satisfying you with `Homa’ and the like. Then the Vaastu Purusha was quite satisfied. Since then the worship of Vaastu-Purusha has been in vogue and it has become compulsory for those who want to construct any kind of building. “

The people will offer you prayers and worship you. You can curse or favor the people who own or occupies any place of earth. If they make you feel happy and comfort as you lay down on the earth you may favor them with boons. If not you are allowed to curse and make them suffer.'

Then the Vastu Purusha was quite satisfied. Since then the worship of Vastu-Purusha has been in practice and it has become compulsory to follow certain rules so as to make the Vasthu Purush happy and comfort. The Almighty ordered the Gods of heaven, who sat at key positions over the child, to safe guard the child and protect him from the people.

Everyone shall pray and adopt the rules of Vasthu Shastra shall Live in the earth having sound health, beautiful wife, healthy children, wealth, means of earning through business, profession or state service, high reputation in society and over all mental and spiritual peace without any disturbance and trouble.
